• info@financialmanagement4u.in
  • +91 11 40550999, 40078591, 91 8851925009, 9971711145

Tax Services

TDS :-

TDS or Tax Deduction at Source is the amount of tax deducted from the salary before paying them. TDS needs to be calculated on monthly basis and after that, the processing of the salary is done. Thus, it is a very important part of calculating salary and being the most trusted TDS Processing Companies in Delhi and NCR, we at Financial Management 4U equip you with the best solution for calculating error free TDS every month for your employees.

Importance of TDS Processing

TDS processing is a mandatory task for every business organization. The process of calculation of TDS, deduction from salary and depositing the tax to the government needs to be done every month and that also in an error free way to avoid any kind of penalties.

Task of TDS Processing Companies

Being among the best TDS Processing Companies in NCR of Delhi , we provide a complete solution to the TDS formalities like: -

  • Monthly TDS calculation as per the information declared.
  • Payment of the collected tax to the concerned department.
  • Issue Tax Deduction Certificate to the payee.
  • E-filling of the TDS returns.
  • E-Payment in all Tax Audit.
  • Providing expert suggestion for complete tax planning and others.

Being one of the pre-eminent TDS Processing Companies, Financial Management 4U provides the best service to the business. Our services are also available online and not only restricted to Delhi or NCR, we provide PAN India service.

Goods and Service Tax :-

The Goods and Service Tax (GST) has been a biggest game changing reform in India's Indirect Tax Structure, which has rightly attracted the heightened interest from all the stakeholders. From July 1, 2017 onwards, GST will replace India’s current complex Central and State indirect tax structure to create a common market with a seamless indirect tax regime.

Goods and Service Tax is one indirect tax for the whole nation on the supply of goods and services, right from the manufacturer to the consumer. As GST will affect every part of the business of industry from Cash Flows, Financial Reporting, Tax Accounting & reporting, profitability, pricing, supply chain, ERP, contracts redesigning, IT, marketing etc.

Therefore, one of the biggest challenge for the industry would be the requirement of right guidance which can help them sail through GST transition and guide them about its impact and implications.

At Financial Management 4U, we hold expertise in the following areas and help our clients doing business in India by making them GST ready

  • GST Impact Analysis & Treatment
  • GST Implementation
  • Accounting & Reporting
  • GST Compliance Framework & Standard Operating Procedures
  • GST Outsourcing

Income Tax Returns :-

  • Anywhere in India
  • Quick Support
  • Expert Opinion
  • Well execution of the assignment
  • Expert service for your compliance